Thursday, October 13, 2011


Hey, batter!  Hey, batter!

I’m flashing back to my little league days when our coach would say, “Let’s hear a little chatter out there!”

In case you didn’t know, you can leave comments on blog articles by clicking on the title of the article.  So, right now, click on “Chatter” and check out the new page that opens up.

Once you're on the interior page, you'll see where it says “Post a Comment” a little further down.  Give it a shot.  “Squeak” counts as a comment in my book.  So, let’s get some squeaks out there!


Anonymous said...


Colin said...


LKB for Zion said...

All righty...I'm squeaking

LKB for Zion said...

Happened to incorrectly click on the video. Man...I just love it! I really hope all of our members have seen it.

Anonymous said...

only a small mouse could figure this out :)