Monday, December 3, 2012

Saturday, September 8, 2012

18th Century German Animal House

As my grandma mouse would say, what, pray tell, is this?  Some sort of colonial frat party?  Actually, it's a glimpse into the education of one Henry Melchior Muhlenberg.  These pictures are part of the exhibit on Muhlenberg's life and impact as the "father of the Lutheran church in America", including a pretty pivotal role in the early history of one Zion Evangelical Lutheran Church in New Germantown.  Come TONIGHT (September 8) to the Christian Education Building at 6:00 pm for a pot luck dinner and lecture by Dr. Timothy Wengert of the Philadelphia Seminary.  The exhibit is at Zion until September 16th.  So, if you've always wondered what the life of a student in 18th century Germany is really about... now you know where to find out!

Tuesday, August 28, 2012

Things I did not expect to see at the Muhlenberg exhibit...

Squeak!  I was just taking a peek at the Henry Melchior Muhlenberg exhibit, and did NOT expect to see THIS!  Yikes!  Any guesses on what this is a picture of?  Visit the exhibit weekends at the Christian Education Building until September 16 (or check with the office if you want to stop by another time) and find out for yourself.  Even better - you can come on September 8th to hear Dr. Timothy Weingart from the Philadelphia Seminary lecture about Muhlenberg, what he meant to Lutheranism in America, and his connection with Zion.  Be sure to ask him what's up with the scary animals.

Check back in here for more peeks and squeaks from the exhibit!

Tuesday, July 17, 2012

Youth Gathering Streaming Video!

Squeak!  Check out LIVE VIDEO of the Youth Gathering evening program each night, July 18-21, 8-9:30 p.m. EST with a pre-show warm-up beginning at 6:30, and worship on Sunday, July 22, 10:30 - 12:30.  Keep an eye out for those Jersey ties!

Tuesday, June 19, 2012

Hunger in Hunterdon

Do you know how many food pantries there are in Hunterdon County?

Did you know that although Hunterdon has the fourth highest median income of all counties in the US, an estimated 3000 residents rely on its food pantries?

Hunger in Hunterdon, created by Zion member Tina Dornbusch, explores the issue and features conversations with volunteers and clients of Hunterdon's food pantries.

Thursday, April 12, 2012


He is risen indeed!

Thursday, April 5, 2012

Parish Choir selections for Holy Week

Palm Sunday

Hymn for Palm Sunday

Harold Silvester

Christ's Palm Sunday Welcome

Austin Lovelace
Maundy Thursday

For the Bread Which You Have Broken

Timothy Shaw

Communion Canon

Ruth Elaine Schram
Good Friday

To Mock Your Reign

Lloyd Larson


arr. Lloyd Larson

Miserere Mei

Antonio Lotti

God's Paschal Lamb is Sacrificed for Us

Robert Farlee/Carl P. Daw, Jr.

In Christ Alone

Keith Getty and Stuart Townend

Friday, March 23, 2012


At Bible study this week we were talking about how sometimes bad things happen to good people (accidents, illness, natural disasters...) and it's not because God wanted to punish them for something.  On the other hand, if we're not crediting God with tragedy, what about miracles?  Are they just great, sometimes unbelievable things that happen, or is a miracle God at work?  Have you ever experienced a miracle?  Anything lately?

Tuesday, March 6, 2012

Tuesday, February 21, 2012


Squeak!  Hi everyone.  Are you doing anything new for Lent this year?

Tuesday, January 3, 2012

Happy New Year!

Squeak!  I hope you had a blessed Christmas season and are getting started on having a great 2012.  As you live out your faith every day, you may enjoy checking in with Living Lutheran, "A daily blend of stories, culture and community" from the ELCA: