Saturday, September 8, 2012

18th Century German Animal House

As my grandma mouse would say, what, pray tell, is this?  Some sort of colonial frat party?  Actually, it's a glimpse into the education of one Henry Melchior Muhlenberg.  These pictures are part of the exhibit on Muhlenberg's life and impact as the "father of the Lutheran church in America", including a pretty pivotal role in the early history of one Zion Evangelical Lutheran Church in New Germantown.  Come TONIGHT (September 8) to the Christian Education Building at 6:00 pm for a pot luck dinner and lecture by Dr. Timothy Wengert of the Philadelphia Seminary.  The exhibit is at Zion until September 16th.  So, if you've always wondered what the life of a student in 18th century Germany is really about... now you know where to find out!

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