Tuesday, July 26, 2011

Hot & Hungry in Hunterdon - Day 2

In a Church Mouse exclusive, Tina Dornbusch reports daily from our Youth Group’s service project, Hot & Hungry in Hunterdon:

Day 2
Monday, July 25, 2011

"Hot and Hungry" got off to a great start today as the four groups were sent off to their respective work sites.  At the Faith Kitchen, the green group made tacos and sorted the food donations.  The guests were talkative and willing to share life stories, mottos, and a quick Spanish lesson.  Afterward, they made their way to the Veteran's Home, helping to sand and paint.  At the Habitat to Humanity site, the red group worked hard at relaying a sidewalk, putting in bolts for a deck, installing cabinet blocks, moving haybales, and digging dirt for a foundation.  Sue was very excited about her chance to use a power saw.  Over at the Good News Home, the orange group split up into two sections.  The first group worked on pulling weeds near the garden area.  The second worked on cleaning out a barn, filling an entire dumpster with what they cleared out.  At the Brady Life Camp, the blue group got the chance to eat lunch with the campers and learn about the foundation of the camp.  They also painted sheds for the camp.  Toward the end of the work period, a rainstorm began, stopping our plans to go to Round Valley Reservoir.  Instead, we visited the Talis house once more, using their outdoor shower to quickly clean up.  After, we returned to the CEB for a short presentation about Matheney School and a campfire.  There were plenty of old camp songs sung, and Pastor gave a special performance of his "Stupid Magic Tricks".  They were, as Megan puts it, "groundbreaking".  Tonight, we all hope to get more sleep than last night to prepare for the big day of work ahead of us.

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