Wednesday, July 27, 2011

Hot & Hungry in Hunterdon - Day 3

Here’s the latest from Tina Dornbusch on all of the amazing work our Youth Group is doing as part of the Hot & Hungry in Hunterdon service project:

Day 3
Tuesday, July 26

Today was a successful third day of "kingdom work" at five separate locations.  At the Good News Home, the green group were busy with clearing out more forgotten belongings to be taken to an overfull dumpster.  They also cleared out overgrown patches of garden area.  The blue group was off to Habitat for Humanity, working with people from Johnson & Johnson.  They put shingles on the roof, removed a bad beam and its cement footing, and exposed their inability to measure when they attempted to install a kick plate as Sue used a table saw.  The campers were very excited to see our red group at Brady Life Camp, even rapping to greet them.  The volunteers then worked on organizing excess Christmas presents and painting the art building.  The orange group fed tuna hoagies, fruit, and deviled eggs to 85 people at the Faith Kitchen as well as getting a chance to have conversation with some of the guests.  They also worked at cleaning.  At the Veteran's Home, they worked around the house as well as bringing 2 dozen cupcakes for the dessert.  Lou was in a talkative mood, discussing his experiences of growing up in Canada and being a tank driver in the Korean War.  After this work was done, the groups made our way over to Round Valley Reservoir to swim and shower.  Dinner was next, and then a trip to Matheny School for a music presentation.  All the kids felt thoroughly embarrassed by the multiple camp songs which they were called to the front to present.  Miraculously, we avoided getting caught in the brewing storm and were able to finish our time at Matheny on a good note.  Now, of course, it's time for bed; we still have plenty of work ahead of us tomorrow.

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